Conditional expectations

Andrew Pua

March 2022

Motivation: Adding flexibility to linear prediction

Motivation: Finite-sample unbiasedness of \(\widehat{\beta}_{1}\)

Motivation: Resolving the unbiasedness question

Predictions with additional information, revisited

Conditional expectations

Law of iterated expectations and law of total variance

Errors and MSE from best prediction

Predictive interpretation of the law of total variance

The CEF and the best linear predictor coud be different from each other.

\(X_1\sim U\left(0,1\right)\)

\(X_1\sim U\left(-1,1\right)\)

\(X_1\sim f_{X_1}\)

But, they can be the same.

Should we use the CEF or the best linear predictor?


Should we use the CEF or the best linear predictor? Illustrating with real data

The relation between schooling and log earnings

The relation between father’s height and son’s height

The relation between father’s height and son’s height: Strip by strip

strip<-subset(data, (data$Father>=71.5 & data$Father<=72.5))
##   The decimal point is at the |
##   64 | 5
##   66 | 479
##   68 | 001334467712237
##   70 | 00023479901244555888
##   72 | 011236688902668
##   74 | 06
##   76 | 4
strip<-subset(data, (data$Father>=61.5 & data$Father<=62.5))
##   The decimal point is at the |
##   62 | 8
##   63 | 13789
##   64 | 08
##   65 | 28
##   66 | 069
##   67 | 24677

The relation between father’s height and son’s height: Strip by strip

The relation between district income and test scores

Revisiting the unbiasedness question

Pay attention to what has changed…

Revisiting the bivariate normal case

Revisiting the bivariate normal case, continued

Contour plots for the bivariate normal



Generalizing to more random variables

Generalizing to more random variables, continued

The meaning of the word “linear”

The regression anatomy

The regression anatomy, continued

Relationship between a short and long regression

The meaning of the word “regression”

Exercises from the textbook